Success Experts
Here’s one definition of an expert.
Spurt: gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. Like a spurt of water
Ex– No longer exists. Doesn’t matter.
Am expert is someone who gushes at the mouth but really doesn’t make a difference because no one is listening to him.
The success of the worlds system is promoted by eloquent, persuasive and influential men. Many of them are corrupt and manipulative calling good evil and evil good.
Beware of Titles
Men give titles to other men and call them experts.
Many of them are self-appointed and self exalted.
If we let them, they’ll redefine truth, family, morals, even right and wrong.
Perhaps the most incredible thing is how so called intelligent Christians embrace titles without asking a single question.
Why is it so hard for them to “Believe God”.
Believing in man is popular and very often the first choice of so called “Believers”
The name “Leader” is a good example of success, titles and experts.
Some of my thoughts on Leaders:
- A true leader doesn’t have to notify others that he IS one. Others will easily recognize his gifts.
- It’s NOT necessary for others to call a true leader a leader. God knows the truth.
- An Godly Leader doesn’t allow himself to be put in Gods place. Even if others want to glorify a true leader he doesn’t allow it.
- A true leader will have followers.
Success Experts
Here’s my question:
Do you have to possess a title or be a leader to be considered successful? Why or Why not?