What is the purpose of God for your life? My missions statement is Fulfilling God's purpose for my life. The Father’s greatest desire is for you … [Read More...]
Find Purpose, Make a Difference, and Realize Your Full Potential in life.

“Defining Moments” Can Help You Discover Your Purpose in Life
Can you think of defining moment in your life that has possibly changed you either for the good or for the bad? So what are defining … [Read More...]

How Do You Define Purpose?
What's the definition of purpose? I googled “purpose” and came up with these definitions of purpose on the Web: * an anticipated outcome that … [Read More...]

What Are Defining Moments?
What is a defining moment? Here's some words to describe a defining moment: life-changing events milestones insights critical … [Read More...]

How To Figure Out Your Purpose
If You want to figure out your purpose you first need to consider what are you're passions. Your passions are your desires and they have to do with … [Read More...]
Topics With Purpose
It’s Not About Me

Hi, My name is G., It's NOT about me. You are the hero. All over the World people are trying to discover their purpose in life because they desire to … read more