High airline fares, cramped spaces and buffet restaurant’s all have the same problem.
I just purchased a ticket on one of the major airlines. When i asked about luggage limitations the airline attendant informed me that I was only allowed one piece of luggage and that it should not weigh over 50 pounds. I could also pay an extra fee and they would allow me to check in one additional piece of luggage. The employee also explained that the excess weight cost the airline extra because of the rising cost of fuel. For this reason there are weight restrictions for that extra baggage, so I was told.
I immediately felt “cheated”.
The same thing happens to me when I go to a buffet, I feel as if I am not getting a good deal. Perhaps I shouldn’t feel this way, but you see, I am a small guy who eats small meals and have never weighed over 150 pounds soaking wet.
I am writing this message as I sit in my cramped seat on the air carrier. The man across the isle weighs at least 250 pounds. Thank God, the lady sitting next to me is only slightly obese.
As I am observing these people and squeezing my arms in tightly to try and make more room I cant help but to wonder if I could get away with writing this article. Here it goes-
Shouldn’t Airlines charge us for our total weight on a trip? I mean our body weight plus the weight of the luggage that we are checking in. I understand that the airlines are charging extra fees because of the rising price of oil products. (That’s another article.) It only sounds fair that the person who is lighter should pay less than the man who is traveling with more weight.
Why should I pay more for the extra piece of luggage if I weigh 150 pounds and I check in 50 pounds of luggage? That’s only 200 pounds total. The man across the Isle gets a lot better deal than me, He weighs 250 pounds and also checks in 50 pounds of luggage for a total of 300 pounds. Are they going to charge him for his excess weight of 100 pounds? I don’t think so.
“Oh G, you are discriminating against fat people” many are already saying.
I am not prejudice, just concerned.
How about the discrimination against me by charging me the same price as the overweight man. Shouldn’t I get a discount as an incentive to stay lean?
Don’t you know the restaurant manager just shrieks whenever he sees that obese person leaving his buffet line with his plate overflowing. Shouldn’t the restaurant charge charge extra if one person consumes twice as much as the other?
This is a problem. The fat are catered to while the fit are ignored. It’s not the airlines problem, It isn’t the food buffet problem, it isn’t even a problem of high oil prices and low economy factors. The problem is that people are fat and in the United States of America the people are overwhelmingly fatter than the rest of the world. It’s a big fat epidemic.
The good thing is that I am not talking about race, gender or even sexual orientation because I would surely be blasted for my biasness. I am just talking about obese people (politically correct term for being fat). I may get a few negative slurs pointed towards me for saying that the “fat” word. But when someone is fat it is very obvious.
Should obese people be given the same preferential treatment as other special rights groups?
Perhaps the most catered to person in today’s society should be a black gay woman who is also fat, since they are the ones who have the most rights. So from now on I’ll just keep my mouth shut since I’m just a lean white guy who is hardly noticed in today’s society..
I do need to say one more thing however, How can you avoid being charged for extra luggage?
Just get rid of the extra baggage and then you wont exceed the weight limits.